Posts tagged Marketing
Leveraging Data in 2019

In the digital world, marketers have access to endless data - what they do with that data determines their strategy and success. Each individual data point is a grain of sand that buries the marketer like a sandstorm in the desert when unorganized. With the right guidance, however, marketers can become more purposeful and create a strategic sand trap.

Setup’s agency partner, The Shipyard, wrote the following guest blog to guide marketers away from common pitfalls when using data.

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The Different Roles within Marketing Agency Departments

Just like how a marching band has multiple sections to sound good, a marketing agency has multiple departments to function properly. Navigating the different roles and purposes of each department can get confusing and overwhelming, however.

Here is a simple breakdown of some typical agency departments (and the roles within) for those interested in working in/for a marketing or advertising agency.

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Marketing? Who Needs It?

It’s a no brainer that marketing is the least important department in the C-suite. They’re like the appendix or the wisdom teeth of the body - useless, take up too much space, and cost a fortune to maintain or remove. With their booze and their boisterous personalities, it’s no use funding a department that makes strategic decisions solely based on fluffy, unsubstantial metrics.

If you’re still on the fence and find “value” in marketing, below is just the beginning of what is an endless list of unforgivable and unnecessary burdens marketing bestows on companies. Here is why marketing is ruining your business…

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Marketing Attribution: Tracking Touch Points Throughout the Customer Journey

Attribution fills in gaps in the story by assigning value to certain touch points during the consumer’s journey. Attributing value to each touch point helps marketers map out which marketing tactics are  working during the buyer journey so that the marketer can adjust their strategies and better prove their worth to the C-Suite. ..

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The Importance of Communicating the CMO Role to the C-suite

Remember Mad Men? Well, it’s time to forget it because CMOs no longer rely on “gut feeling.” Since data is more accessible and consumers are at the forefront of decision making, the role of CMO is more important than ever before. The CMOs’ understanding of consumer data and interpretation of analytics makes the Chief Marketing Officer one of the most vital members in the Chief Executive Suite.

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics in Marketing

The world of digital media is constantly evolving and marketers need to learn how to adjust and grow with the changes. Marketers have access to analytical data like never before, influencing every step of their marketing strategies and enhancing their content production. The evolution of technology also affects marketing roles as artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play…

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Marketing to Marketers

Because marketers know how much of marketing revolves around providing value at every stage of the customer journey, they also know how to sniff out gimmicks. When trying to build loyalty amongst marketers, know that a campaign with robust discount/reward system or a partnership with a useful external resource will almost always outperform the flashy campaign that lacks substance. If brands want to create loyalty within this segment, the marketing strategy needs to focus on building trust through transparency, engagement, and useful content.​​​​​​​

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The Marketing Budget - Where Marketers Go Wrong & How to Get it Right

Creating a marketing budget is not always a simple task. Many marketers pigeon hole themselves by narrowly focusing on the previous year’s plan and ignoring potential new sales goals and opportunities. It is also particularly difficult to map out a budget plan when brand awareness and impressions are not concrete numbers. Use this guide and free budgeting template to ease planning.

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