Posts in Marketing Resources
The Five Marketing Agency Compensation Models for Brands

If a brand is considering hiring a marketing agency, it is important to set aside appropriate budget. Depending on the scope of needs, some financial plans are more necessary than others but, ultimately, it is up to the client and agency to decide how they will price fees during their agency-client partnership. Read more about the pros and cons of different compensation models in the agency-client relationship.

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Questions Brands Should Answer Before Selecting A Marketing Agency

Here at AgencySparks we think a lot about how brands and agencies connect with each other and subsequently work together. Before we make connections for brands/clients with potential agency partners, we like to understand the brand needs. Here are questions brands need to answer to understand their own needs and what they require from potential partners.

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Perfect Interview Questions to Fill Empty Marketing Roles

Hiring a new candidate for a marketing role can be challenging. Sourcing qualified candidates and then assessing both their capabilities and compatibility with the team can be difficult. It is imperative to ask the right questions to ensure that the person is the best fit.

Setup™ provides essential questions hiring leaders need to ask when hiring a new marketing candidate.

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Marketing to Marketers

Because marketers know how much of marketing revolves around providing value at every stage of the customer journey, they also know how to sniff out gimmicks. When trying to build loyalty amongst marketers, know that a campaign with robust discount/reward system or a partnership with a useful external resource will almost always outperform the flashy campaign that lacks substance. If brands want to create loyalty within this segment, the marketing strategy needs to focus on building trust through transparency, engagement, and useful content.​​​​​​​

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Email Marketing: The Lessons I've Learned

How can you optimize your email marketing strategy to pique the interest of your followers? How can you get more clicks and engaged subscribers? Maybe you need a shift in focus…

Here are email marketing lessons learned from AgencySparks’ Director of Marketing, Kate Jacoutot.

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The Marketing Budget - Where Marketers Go Wrong & How to Get it Right

Creating a marketing budget is not always a simple task. Many marketers pigeon hole themselves by narrowly focusing on the previous year’s plan and ignoring potential new sales goals and opportunities. It is also particularly difficult to map out a budget plan when brand awareness and impressions are not concrete numbers. Use this guide and free budgeting template to ease planning.

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The 4 'A's of Marketing to Different Personality Types

Understanding the four primary personality types can provide marketers with an understanding of consumer tendencies, how to reach them, and their receptivity of a campaign. Segmenting and thoroughly knowing the audience helps personalize content and create engagement and purpose with every single interaction.

Learn the different types of personality types and their strengths and weaknesses.

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How to form the Perfect Team from the Masterminds behind Google, Pixar, Apple, and Tesla

The founders from Google, Tesla, Apple, and Pixar walk into a bar...what do they all have in common? Successful companies, yes, but, more importantly, fantastic teams.

Forming a cohesive team seems simple enough, yet, why do companies struggle to maintain employees and effective strategies? There is no question companies like Google, Pixar, Apple, and Tesla have reached momentous success in their industries. How did they do it?

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