Posts tagged Specialist agencies
Jack of One Trade, Master, then Done: Growth Hacks for Marketing Agencies

As agencies win more business and are given access to more resources, it is tempting to take on projects outside of the agency’s core competency. Unless the agency can guarantee excellent work, it is not worth the risk of delivering subpar work. How can they focus on maintaining a solid relationship with their client while they attempt to grow...

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The Evolution of Marketing: A Brief History

What brands once saw as a one-way street to push impersonal mass communications has become a consumer-driven highway comprised of highly customized, two-way communication. Marketing has evolved from primitive beginnings to modernized digital.

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Agencies Are From Mars, and Marketers are from Venus

Agencies and brands come from different worlds so they have a complicated relationship, but it doesn’t have to be. AgencySparks works as the bridge, connecting and matchmaking agencies with brands. Here are some resources to ensure a healthy relationship between the two.

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