Posts in Setup News/Events
Changes on the Horizon for Setup®
Event Recap: Marketing Group Therapy Valentine's Breakfast
Setup® Survey Reveals How Marketing Agencies View Their Business Development Efforts
Year in Review: Top Posts from 2016
Event Recap: #AgencyShowcase
Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersAgencySparks events, scenic road, everywhere agency, liquidhub, Dragon Army, creaxion, Swarm Agency, modo modo, PM3, multicultural marketing, creative, analytics, cause-related marketing, mobile experience, UX, web design, social media marketing, influencer marketing, specialist agencies, #MarketersBreakfast
48in48: At the Intersection of Passion and Purpose
Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersskills-based volunteering, corporations, professionals, nonprofits, 48in48, skills-based volunteer work, professional expertise, general assembly, digital marketing, web development, web design, brand marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, content marekting, marketing services, brian tracy quote, josh bersin, deloitte, benefits of skills-based volunteering, public relations, leadership skills, specialized skills
Event Recap: SPARKsouth 2016
Press, Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakerssparksouth, students, mentorship, mentorship from digital marketing veterans, resume improvement, personal presentation, career planning, mentors, diverse nature of the marketing industry, marketing industry, marketing careers, agency, entrepreneurship, brand, understand different potential career routs, career development, businesspeople, advice, network, storify, bridge the gap from being in high school to entering the job field, marketing student, university of georgia, brian easter, ceo of nebo agency, importance of authencity in marketing, terrilyn simmons, ChooseATL, ultimate job interview challenge, austin distel, entrepreneurial journey, joe koufman, ceo of agencysparks, advice to young professionals, how to stand out, what really matters to future employers, resources that can help set job candidates apart, can anyone be a marketer?, marketing career path, christien louviere, ceo of sell personal, sponsors, nebo agency, terry college of business, agencysparks, simpli.f, Hypepotamus, atlanta hawks, aflac, sweetwater brewing company, twitter, red bull, sapient nitro, digitaslbi, 2017 SPARKsouth, potential sponsors
3 Lessons Marketers Could Learn from TEDxPeachtree 2016
Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersTEDxPeachtree 2016, marketing, remarkable ideas, AgencySparks, Jacqui Chew, together, we. humans., reset. rethink., systems, expereinces, marketing essentials, B2B, B2C, lessons for marketers, marketing lessons, selling ideas, context, key takeaway for marketers, lead with a story, follow with the data, keep it simple, we're better together, develop the strategy first, segmentation, break it down, emily bianchi, how money affects social ties, what we know about psychology is wrong, steven platek, Re-creating the way we think, animesh koratana, What if behavior could be influenced by virtual reality, barbara rothbaum, How to restore trust in the government, rohit malhotra, workplaces fit for humans, moe carrick, let's talk about gender, anneliese singh, LGBTQ, making government relevant; it's not what you think, eloisa klementich, Why listen to the ocean's voices, christopher Clark, Chernobyl, Chernobyl 30 years later, jim beasley, A finer madness, peter maeck, finding my truth: it's a question of faith, brett trapp, a space that inspired a community, kathleen baumgardner, ripple effects of artistic interventions, beth malone, refugee, dishwasher, cardiologist, heval mohamed kelli, refugee advocate, challenging the status quo, marketing department's tactical approach, empathy, personally accountable
Setup® Cohosting the SPARKsouth Conference
Press, Setup News/EventsJoe KoufmanSPARKsouth, marketoonist, biggest piece of advice for current college seniors, Attend SPARKsouth, SouthWired, full-day digital marketing conference, digital marketing conference for students, paths a student can take with a digital marketing degree, agency, brand, entrepreneur, platform, resume workshops, mentor lunches, personal presentation in the workplace, professional headshot, career fair, opportunity for digital marketing professionals to come together, network, recruit, sponsoring SPARKsouth
Radio Recap: Setup® CEO Joe Koufman on The Dana Barrett Show
Press, Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersbiz1190, Dana Barrett, Dana Barrett Show, AgencySparks events, sparksouth, agency shootout, making connections, networking, joe koufman
Recap of Atlanta's First-Ever Agency Shootout!
Bacon, Biscuits, and Knowledge - A #MarketersBreakfast Recipe