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 Setup Agency Assessment

The Agency selection process is difficult, time consuming, and there’s no way to ensure Clients are getting the full picture of their partners.

Our Agency Assessment process ensures clarity around an Agency’s experience, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.

This process helps Setup know the ins and outs of Agencies in order to connect them with the right Client, but also helps the Agency understand themselves better in order to optimize their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. After over 10 years of making marketing connections, and conducting over 50 Agency Assessments, we’ve found that both Staff and Clients are more upfront with their feedback when a third party is involved.


How it Works

The Agency Assessment Process


Step 1 - External Evaluation

Setup begins by interviewing agency clients to understand the relationship. Interviews are conducted with the agency's current clients, past clients, and brands who didn't choose the agency in a competitive situation. Clients provide details about the relationship that they would never provide the agency.

The Client section digs deeper into:

  • Overall themes - Supported by qualitative data/representative quotes

  • Client scorecards - Quantitative Data ranking several categories under the buckets Delivery, Strategy + Relationship

  • Client profiles - A break down of each Current Client’s qualitative + quantitative responses


Step 2 - Internal Evaluation

Next, Setup conducts staff interviews with key agency employees to better understand what the team feels are their biggest strengths and weaknesses. In addition to looking for alignment or discrepancy with the client conversations, Setup uncovers internal perceptions of the agency.

The Staff section digs deeper into:

  • Overall themes - Supported by qualitative data/representative quotes

  • Discover what makes you special - Retention, Recruitment + Turnover reasons all from the POV of your Staff

  • Staff scorecards - Quantitative Data ranking several categories under the buckets Culture, Operations, Leadership + Growth

  • Alignment checks - Staff responses are compared between Leadership vs Staff, as well as Staff vs Client

  • Hidden skills - Be sure you are optimizing your staff’s true potential by uncovering their interests, experience + skill sets


Step 3 - SWOT Analysis

Setup synthesizes the conversations with clients and the agency team to outline strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The marriage of the internal and external perspectives is key to bringing insights about the agency, their team, and their work that are invaluable.


Step 4 - Action Items

After 10 years of collecting data from Agencies, our Marketing Relationship Survey, and conversations with Clients who don’t choose or fire an Agency, we understand the Agency-Client relationship, and know what it takes for agencies to show up and stand out.

The Agency Assessment allows Setup to provide customized actionable steps and guidance to answer your specific challenges.


Note: AgencySparks rebranded as Setup in August 2019.

Setup not only recommended an excellent agency partner... but they have also become a trusted go-to resource when it comes to marketing recommendations that can improve our business.
— Melissa Wilson | Marketing Director, ADAC