Posts tagged selling ideas
How to Innovate, Map, and Execute Marketing Ideas
3 Lessons Marketers Could Learn from TEDxPeachtree 2016
Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersTEDxPeachtree 2016, marketing, remarkable ideas, AgencySparks, Jacqui Chew, together, we. humans., reset. rethink., systems, expereinces, marketing essentials, B2B, B2C, lessons for marketers, marketing lessons, selling ideas, context, key takeaway for marketers, lead with a story, follow with the data, keep it simple, we're better together, develop the strategy first, segmentation, break it down, emily bianchi, how money affects social ties, what we know about psychology is wrong, steven platek, Re-creating the way we think, animesh koratana, What if behavior could be influenced by virtual reality, barbara rothbaum, How to restore trust in the government, rohit malhotra, workplaces fit for humans, moe carrick, let's talk about gender, anneliese singh, LGBTQ, making government relevant; it's not what you think, eloisa klementich, Why listen to the ocean's voices, christopher Clark, Chernobyl, Chernobyl 30 years later, jim beasley, A finer madness, peter maeck, finding my truth: it's a question of faith, brett trapp, a space that inspired a community, kathleen baumgardner, ripple effects of artistic interventions, beth malone, refugee, dishwasher, cardiologist, heval mohamed kelli, refugee advocate, challenging the status quo, marketing department's tactical approach, empathy, personally accountable