Setup CEO Featured on Brand Storytelling Podcast
PressJoe Koufmanjoe koufman, rakhal, rakhal ebeli, ceo of newsmodo, brand storytelling podcast, how to define what makes the perfect marketer, what personality traits should a marketer have?, marketing career, typical career path for a marketer, emerging technologies, tactical approach, the perfect marketer, holistic approach to marketing tactics, perfect match valentine's day campaign, direct mail marketing, social media marketing, paid search, video marketing, networking event, podcast, newsmodo, cross-platform technology, content marketing case study, make connections between brands and agencies, marketing automation, Valentine's Day, content marketing, brand storytelling, content creation, content curation, mix content curation and content creation, new marketing ecosystem, advice for marketers
Event Recap: SPARKsouth 2016
Press, Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakerssparksouth, students, mentorship, mentorship from digital marketing veterans, resume improvement, personal presentation, career planning, mentors, diverse nature of the marketing industry, marketing industry, marketing careers, agency, entrepreneurship, brand, understand different potential career routs, career development, businesspeople, advice, network, storify, bridge the gap from being in high school to entering the job field, marketing student, university of georgia, brian easter, ceo of nebo agency, importance of authencity in marketing, terrilyn simmons, ChooseATL, ultimate job interview challenge, austin distel, entrepreneurial journey, joe koufman, ceo of agencysparks, advice to young professionals, how to stand out, what really matters to future employers, resources that can help set job candidates apart, can anyone be a marketer?, marketing career path, christien louviere, ceo of sell personal, sponsors, nebo agency, terry college of business, agencysparks, simpli.f, Hypepotamus, atlanta hawks, aflac, sweetwater brewing company, twitter, red bull, sapient nitro, digitaslbi, 2017 SPARKsouth, potential sponsors
Setup® Cohosting the SPARKsouth Conference
Press, Setup News/EventsJoe KoufmanSPARKsouth, marketoonist, biggest piece of advice for current college seniors, Attend SPARKsouth, SouthWired, full-day digital marketing conference, digital marketing conference for students, paths a student can take with a digital marketing degree, agency, brand, entrepreneur, platform, resume workshops, mentor lunches, personal presentation in the workplace, professional headshot, career fair, opportunity for digital marketing professionals to come together, network, recruit, sponsoring SPARKsouth
Radio Recap: Setup® CEO Joe Koufman on The Dana Barrett Show
Press, Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersbiz1190, Dana Barrett, Dana Barrett Show, AgencySparks events, sparksouth, agency shootout, making connections, networking, joe koufman
Recap of Atlanta's First-Ever Agency Shootout!
Bacon, Biscuits, and Knowledge - A #MarketersBreakfast Recipe
Agency Shootout! - brought to you by the Atlanta Hawks and Setup®
Setup® Sponsoring General Assembly's DGM Camp
Press, Setup News/EventsGeneral Assembly, DGM Camp, Atlanta Tech Blogs, Atlanta Tech Village, Tech Square Labs, Atlanta Tech Edge, Hypepotamus, SalesLoft, Terminus, digital marketing, WordPress, email, marketing technology, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, social media, digital advertising, B2B Marketing, Ponce City Market, lead generation
Setup® Perfect Match Video BLOOPERS
Setup® featured on biz 1190
ADAC Digital Day 2016
Press, Setup News/EventsSetup - marketing matchmakersADAC, ADAC Digital Day, Home & Garden Digital Marketing Week, thought leadership, brand identity, Email marketing, website analytics, social media, SEO, bloggers, AgencySparks
Setup Proudly Stands with Georgia Prospers