Rebuilding Workplace Culture + Community

The speakers are once again blaring Pandora’s alternative rock station, the snacks are refilled, the lights are on, and the keyboards are clattering. We’re officially back in the office.

While some people are dusting off their desks for the first time in two years, others are continuing to work remotely or living in the hybrid world - one thing all companies share is their need to rebuild culture. 

Onboarding has always been a struggle for brands and agencies alike, but, in the last few years, companies have completely transformed their processes to account for a digital/pandemic world. Connecting only through online calls, hiring new team members, and working completely remotely changed the way people interact, and while some offices have been able to maintain a sense of community, some are deeply struggling. 


Water Cooler Talk: Vital for Survival?

Zoom fatigue is no stranger, and the Great Resignation - where nearly 33 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021 - has people disengaged and ready to work for a company who cares. People want better pay and treatment, and with that, better office culture. With employees leaving at an accelerating rate and new faces hired by the minute, the office looks a little different than the beginning of 2020. Because people are what make up culture, cultures everywhere have shifted and need to be strengthened. 


How can companies build a better workplace culture?

If you value your employees, they value the work they are doing. It’s a cycle.


Show you care by:

  1. Communicating. Communicate the company goals. Be transparent about progress and bring employees into the conversation. Good ideas come from everywhere, and people will appreciate their voices being heard because it gives them a stake in the game. 

    At Setup, we align on company goals, expenses, revenue, and more using the Great Game of Business model (meeting every week to discuss numbers and what each team/individual can contribute to the overall company goals).

  2. Being empathetic. Trust is key, and if employees feel like they have no autonomy or that they’re being monitored or micromanaged at every turn, they will not take risks or do their best work. Most employees worked remotely for two years. Rest assured they can handle time management. Be flexible, be understanding, trust that you hired a reliable person to get the job done. 

  3. Creating community. Whether the office facilitates an outside-of-work group activity, sets up virtual chat rooms to take breaks or share interests, or invests in networking events for the team to expand their network and knowledge, community takes different forms. 

  4. Breaking barriers. Build a place of transparency and feedback. Leaders need to know what their staff is thinking and how the company could improve. Like we said, good ideas come from all over! Offer surveys to clients and staff members to open the door to feedback. As the popular saying goes - you don’t know what you don’t know! 


Building a Better Workplace Culture 

The points above are great philosophies, but, at the same time, they are words with little to no actions. Here’s how Setup can get you started on building a strong workplace culture:

  • Team Building Program - Using improv, we create a stress-free, open environment for teams to break down barriers, express themselves, and build trust. Through outrageously fun exercises, teams will learn how to communicate confidently, support one another’s ideas, and bond with their coworkers. 

  • Marketing Mixers - These are online networking events that make it accessible to learn from and network with marketing peers. Send your team the link to RSVP - they may meet someone new who inspires them or becomes a marketing peer or mentor! It’s all about investing in your team and helping them find a community. 

    Speaking of, to honor Women’s History Month, our next event “In This Dame and Age” is a Mixer for women in the marketing community! RSVP here if you would like to be a part of it! 

  • Team Assessments - Whether you want to interview your clients, partners, vendors, or staff, we’ve got you covered! We survey and then analyze data of participants to give you a detailed report and action items of the current gaps in your business and culture. Give your team a voice and address any issues.