It’s Giving… Marketing to Gen Z

Once upon a time, we wrote a blog and made a video about Gen Z: Marketing Mysteries Uncovered for Generation Z.

Well, they’re much older (and more influential) now…So let’s see what has changed and how marketers can continue to adapt to fit Gen Z’s needs and preferences. 

From our Gen Alpha blog, we know that Gen Z was born between 1997 and 2012. They were raised with the internet and are highly reliant on social media and peer/influencer reviews for purchases. Their behavior indicates that they care about their physical and social impact on the world and demand transparency from Brands.


How should Brands react to Gen Z?

According to NIQ, Gen Z is expected to have $2.7 trillion in global spending power, and its influence will only grow, projected to reach $12 trillion by 2030. They currently make up about 25% of the worldwide population. 

While Millennials have more established careers and spend more, Gen Z has the power to shape trends and is increasing its purchasing power as it continues to take over the workforce. 

Gen Z is a big deal, and marketers need to pay attention. 


What can Marketers do to Target Gen Z?

Gen Z’s spending habits include key areas such as fashion, technology, and wellness products, particularly those that align with sustainability and ethical consumption values. Marketers targeting Gen Z must prioritize authenticity, sustainability, and convenience to resonate with this audience. 

To reach them, Marketers need to remember that Gen Z is digitally savvy and accustomed to short-form, instant, and customized content. Marketers should leverage platforms like TikTok and Instagram to ensure seamless shopping experiences across digital and physical channels. Social channels may be the best form of targeting because, according to Business Community, “TikTok is the prime destination for Gen Zers, who make up over 60% of TikTok users.” 

Read More: How Marketers are Reaching Gen Z with TikTok


How can Marketers make this Advice Actionable?

After looking at research data from Mailchimp, Quora, Vogue Business, eMarketer, Forbes, Sprout Social, and Jeff Fromm and Angie Read’s book, “Marketing to Gen Z: The Rules for Reaching This Vast—and Very Different—Generation of Influencers,” we put together a guide of crucial tactics to keep in mind when marketing to Gen Z:

  • Make it Transparent: Gen Z demands transparency from Brands, expecting companies to take clear stances on social issues such as inclusivity, diversity, and sustainability. Gen Z also prefers raw, unfiltered content over polished advertisements. Brands must use subtle, value-driven messaging that seamlessly integrates into their content and doesn’t feel like advertising. Authenticity builds trust. And trust creates Brand loyalty.

  • Keep it Digital: Gen Z prefers mobile-first experiences, emphasizing short-form video and user-generated content (UGC). Their instant gratification needs can be met with immediate and seamless shopping experiences, like one-click purchasing or in-app shopping options.

  • Build Community: Gen Z connects digitally and wants campaigns to be Connection-oriented. They prefer authentic and honest connections with Brands that include customization and interactions like polls, quizzes, and even mutual “likes” and comments with a Brand’s social channel - it’s a two-way engagement street. This is also why they prefer micro-influencer-driven content over traditional celebrity endorsements - it feels more natural. Gen Z relies on peer reviews and UGC from micro-influencers more than Millennials, who still trust expert opinions and brand websites and will re-evaluate their relationships with Brands regularly based on these reviews. 

  • Get Visual: Gen Z engages more with attention-grabbing video-based, visual storytelling content (especially on platforms like TikTok and Reels).

  • Make a Difference: Gen Z prioritizes sustainable brands, with 73% willing to spend more on eco-friendly products. This contrasts with older generations that prioritize price over sustainability. How is your company implementing sustainable practices?

  • Offer Deals: 61% of Gen Z actively seek out deals, making exclusive promotions and student discounts powerful tools for Brands.

  • Stay Relevant: Gen Z appreciates Brands that are culturally aware and stay relevant by engaging with current trends and memes, especially on platforms like TikTok. 

That’s everything we have (so far) on how to influence your campaigns to target Gen Z moving forward. Obviously, people are complex, and fitting an entire generation into one checklist will not solve all your problems or reach everyone, but understanding Gen Z’s foundation and priorities is a great place to start. As our Gen Z coworker used to say, “Period.”