Top 5 #MotivationalMonday Tweets to Brighten Your Day

Setup’s Business Development and Marketing Associate, Alexis Quarcoo, has an ongoing series on her Twitter account, @Alexisfromsetup (go ahead and click that “follow” button!), called #MotivationalMonday where she highlights her favorite motivational quotes from previous guests featured in the CMO Spotlight Series

Here is a list of some of her favorite quotes (in no particular order) from marketing leaders in the CMO Spotlights that will give you a burst of motivation for the week and brighten your day (+ all of their interviews are linked!):


#1 - Michael Smith | CMO | NPR

A lot of life is about how people feel, and the relationships that you build. Relationships will push your influence a lot more than facts or tech...

@AlexisfromSetup Takeaways:

This quote from Michael Smith is a testament to the importance of a great relationship. Building relationships is so important for all aspects of your life. Whether it’s a friendship, mentorship, or team, building relationships in your career is very beneficial. At Setup, we pride ourselves on being relationship builders and connectors. We aim to connect marketers with the proper resources to succeed. Whether that is by one of our many services, or by connecting a Client-side marketer with the right marketing Agency.

Watch Michael’s short interview here, and read her interview recap here. 


#2 - Rod Johnson | Co-Founder | BLK & Bold

You don’t have to be the smartest, fastest, strongest, but care about doing a good job and doing a good job the first time around.

@AlexisfromSetup Takeaways:

I love what Rod is saying here. There is no benefit to being a perfectionist. Of course, it feels great to be the best at something, but it shouldn’t define you. You can miss out on the greatness in variety and failure when striving for perfection. What you should strive for is to be the best you that you can be.

Watch Rod’s short interview here, and read her interview recap here. 


#3 - Scott Thomas | Head of Marketing | Ownwell

You learn as much from success as you do from failure, so don’t be afraid of failures.

@AlexisfromSetup Takeaways: 

I would argue that failure is the greatest catalyst for improvement. Failure teaches us so much, so it’s just as important to fail as it is to succeed. You shouldn’t be afraid of failing, and when you do fail, don’t beat yourself up. Make it a goal to learn from your failures, and to approach them with open mindedness and grace.

Watch Scott’s short interview here, and read her interview recap here. 


#4 - Lindsay Listanski | National Vice President - Field Marketing | Coldwell Banker 

My communication skills have served me really well in making sure that I’ve always advocated for myself in my career and advocated for people on my team.

@AlexisfromSetup Takeaways: 

Communication is so important in every relationship, especially at work. I’ve learned so much about the importance of communication and articulating your thoughts and feelings effectively during my time working professionally, and it can make or break an organization. It needs to be prioritized, so this was a great reminder from Lindsay.

Watch Lindsay’s short interview here, and read her interview recap here. 


#5 - Leana Less | SVP Marketing | Chico’s FAS, Inc.

Do the things that you’re brilliant at doing and continue to do that even better. People need to hone that skill.

@AlexisfromSetup Takeaways: 

You should always do the things that you’re good at, but you should also do things that you’re passionate about. I would argue that the only way to be “brilliant” at something is to first have a passion for it. It’s very hard to become excellent at something that you don’t like or have a passion for. If you’re having trouble finding your passion, or purpose in the world, listen to this great talk about the Japanese practice, Ikigai.

Watch Leana’s short interview here, and read her interview recap here. 


Final Thoughts

Watching the CMO Spotlight interviews, especially as a younger marketer beginning my own journey, is so inspiring. There is something for everyone in this series - whether you need advice, a peek at an executive’s experience in another industry, or are a Brand/Agency learning how to make the Client-Agency relationship work for you. We hope these quotes helped kick-start your week! Tune into the CMO Spotlight series, or subscribe to our LinkedIn Newsletter so that you can always access some inspiration!