My Journey in Navigating the World of Agency Growth: It's Not Just Business, It's  Personal


This blog is written by Rhonda Beckmann the new SVP, Growth at Setup and Business Development Guru | Strategizing & Guiding Growth.

With more than 20 years of experience in agency business development, I have dedicated my career to developing and implementing growth strategies that increase value through relationships, bespoke client solutions and high-performing teams. I have held business development leadership roles with top agencies (Publicis Groupe, DEFINITION 6, SEI Consulting), partnering with a wide range of brands, from local favorites to global industry leaders. I have two distinguishing passions: cultivating authentic relationships and collaborative team building. My philosophy is that great work starts with great teams, and great teams start with trust, empathy, and a spirit of collaboration.

Let me share a story that altered my perception of sales forever. When my son was just six, he popped a question that seemed simple, but was surprisingly profound, "What do you do at your job?" As I paused, searching for an explanation a first grader would grasp, clarity struck, and I said, “I sell the talents and passions of people.” At that moment, my perspective shifted from viewing sales as a mere occupation to embracing it as a way of life, especially in service sales.

In service sales, we're not showcasing physical products but presenting intangible yet invaluable services. More crucially, we offer expertise, human touch, and the capacity to understand and solve each client's unique challenges. Here's the kicker: it's not about the hard sell; it's about the 'who,' the 'you,' and the genuine connections you forge.

In my career, I have discovered what separates the everyday salesperson from top-tier growth talent. It's not always a strategy that can be articulated, as most are just being their authentic selves. However, these inherent qualities are what make them stand out:


Natural Curiosity:

Being great at service sales means being genuinely interested in people’s stories. You're not just selling a service, but offering solutions tailored to each client's needs. It's about asking the right questions and being wholly engrossed in their answers, leading to an understanding beyond the surface.


Relentless Connection Seeker:

In service sales, relationships are your currency. You're not just closing a deal; you're opening a trust-based partnership. It involves knowing what makes your talent shine and diving deep into your clients’ worlds, understanding their needs, and customizing your services to create value that resonates on a personal level.


Eternal Optimist:

The most successful sales professionals face setbacks and rejections, but thrive on dispositional optimism. They acknowledge challenges, but hold an unwavering belief in positive outcomes. This optimism isn’t whimsical; it's a robust trait that drives them forward, motivating teams to work toward possibility and potential and infusing resilience in their journey.


Driven by Goals:

Being achievement-oriented doesn't just mean hitting sales targets; it's about realizing personal and professional milestones, continuous learning, and contributing to client success stories. Every client interaction is an opportunity to make a difference.


Servant at Heart:

At the core, service sales are about... well, service! It's driven by a genuine desire to help. This path requires empathy, an essential tool for uncovering the real issues clients face. When you comprehend their challenges at an emotional level, you're better positioned to offer meaningful solutions.


Empathy in Action:

An empathic mindset is the secret sauce in service sales. Connecting with clients emotionally helps uncover their unspoken needs, paving the way for service solutions that are not just adequate, but exceptional.

If you’re embarking on or are already part of this incredible journey, remember that service sales aren’t about pushing people to buy what they don’t need. It’s about showcasing the values you believe in, and, above all, it’s about the human connection. It’s a lifestyle that celebrates curiosity, connection, optimism, goals, service, and empathy.

So, here’s to the problem-solvers, the dream-weavers, and the comfort-bringers. At the heart of growth, it’s not about what we sell; it’s about how we live. Embrace this rewarding journey and let your authentic self shine!