A Marketing Matchmaker’s Guide to Networking Conversation Starters


This blog was written by Alexis Quarcoo, Marketing and Sales Intern for Setup

Connect with Alexis on Linkedin


Picture this: You have planned a virtual coffee session with a senior level marketer from a company you’re interested in. You’re excited because you know that if you’re able to establish a relationship with them, this could lead to great opportunities for you, your company, your career, etc. You know the pressure is on to come up with great conversation starters to let the discussion flow. Here is where Setup comes in.

Networking may seem a little daunting, but there are ways to make the process simple, fun, and ultimately beneficial. 

In the spirit of our Marketer Matchups relaunch, Setup’s marketing matchmaker service for 1:1 networking connections, (take the survey here to get paired with relevant marketers quarterly) we wanted to give you ways to start the conversation and keep it flowing with anyone you’re meeting and networking with.


“Let’s keep it general”

There are common ways to start a conversation, and not getting too personal upfront is a great way to ease into a networking conversation with someone you’re starting to get to know.

  • Tell me something about yourself.

  • Have you worked on any exciting projects lately?

  • How long have you been with this company?

  • How did you hear about this event?

  • Are you enjoying your job recently?


“Where are you?” 

When you’re at an in-person networking event, there is one thing that you know you have in common and that is the location. Even if you’re at a virtual networking event you can still have conversations about your different locations and the unique things that are close to you.

  • What do you like most about working in this area?

  • Did you grow up in this area?

  • If it’s a virtual call: I noticed your background. Where are you located right now?

  • What is your favorite local activity/ what interesting things are local to you?


“What’s the tea?” 

Whether it is in your life, the news, or pop culture there are always things going on. Talking about what is happening in the world are great ways to generate good conversations. 

  •  Have you seen what ________ has been up to recently?

  • Did you hear that this person got a new job?

  • Did you hear about _______ in the news? 

  • Have you seen this show before?

  • Did you see the game last night?


“Don’t forget to Compliment”

Flattery is always a great way to get a conversation flowing and also a great way to get someone to like you quickly! Try these lines for potential conversation starters.

  • I love your outfit/shoes/tie/earrings. Where’d you get them?

  • I loved reading this blog that you contributed to! Tell me your thought process when you wrote it.

  • I heard you changed jobs. Congratulations! Tell me about your new company.

  • I saw this project that you were involved in and I loved it! How did you and your team come up with the concept?


We hope these conversation starters help generate great discussions in whatever networking space you’re in. Now go forth and network!