Black Friday has undergone a dramatic transformation since its chaotic in-store origins in the 1960s. Once synonymous with one-day-only doorbuster deals and frenzied shopping, the event is now a weeks-long digital phenomenon, shaped by evolving consumer behavior, economic pressures, and innovative retailer strategies, not to mention some potential trust issues with consumers. Here’s a comprehensive look at how Brands and consumers are navigating Black Friday 2024.
Read MoreDespite malls resembling ghost towns, companies stepped up to make the holiday shopping season “normal” for consumers, leading to one of the biggest digital sales days ever - following 2019’s Cyber Monday - as U.S. consumers spent around $9 billion on retail sites.
How did retailers effectively change Black Friday to adjust to the current needs of the pandemic?
Read MoreHoliday shoppers spend an average of $1,007.24 each during the Thanksgiving weekend, making it the largest shopping weekend - especially online shopping, accounting for over $7.9 billion of online sales in 2018 - of the year.
For most marketers, preparation for Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns takes place weeks in advance.
Setup asked a few retailers from all industries and backgrounds about their experience preparing for the big day(s) - giving us a behind the scenes look into a marketer’s preparation for Black Friday and Cyber Monday…
Read MoreSince its ”humble” beginnings in the 1950s, Black Friday has cemented itself into our yearly festivities. People prioritize it, gather together, and camp out just to await the special deals that will define their holiday experience. This tradition is a day created for and centered around consumers and consumerism.
We all know Amazon sales soared, but which brands were the unsung heroes of Black Friday? What did we learn from their creative deals?
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