Posts tagged super bowl advertisements
Super Bowl LIX: 2025 Marketing Ad Champions + Fumbles

Super Bowl LIX wasn’t just about football—it was a masterclass in marketing. Each year, brands gamble big (to the tune of $8 million per 30-second ad) for a chance to capture the nation’s attention. With such high stakes, the challenge isn’t just making a good ad—it’s making an ad that resonates long after the final whistle blows.

This year, amid a landscape of economic uncertainty and shifting consumer sentiment, many brands leaned away from risk-taking and played it safe. "Nowstalgia"—pairing rising stars with established icons—dominated, while humor, celebrity cameos, and absurdist comedy took center stage. And while some brands nailed it, others flopped despite their star-studded casts.

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The Other “Super Bowls” for Brands

Whether it’s for the food, party, friends, or actual game, it is no surprise that the Super Bowl is a major spectacle for sporting and avid commercial-watching fans alike. When viewing the Super Bowl, you can expect to see classic beer, car, and snack brands (looking at you, Doritos) representing proudly, but what about other brands? 

Are there other days where brands can shine?

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Measuring Super Bowl Ad ROI is...Complicated

People will do just about anything to escape the constant barrage of advertisements shoved their way every day...that is, unless we’re talking about the Super Bowl. In fact, according to Burson-Marsteller, 53% of Americans would be disappointed if the Super Bowl went commercial-free. The combination of a live TV event that reaches over 100 million people, along with the diverse and captive nature of its audience has caused the Super Bowl’s commercials to transform into a beacon for creativity in advertising.

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