Lighting a Tiny Spark | Company Purpose + Pursuing Passions
At Setup we are all about igniting that spark, that special connection between two marketers to make their jobs and overall lives better - shout out to our original name “AgencySparks,” with a big emphasis on the “sparks.”
As an employee of Setup for over four years, I’ve certainly facilitated many business sparks, and even ventured into matchmaking in my personal life (after all, love and relationships of any kind are my favorite things). But something I realized, especially during 2020, a year of immense loss and pain, is that I was neglecting what lit a spark inside of me. I, like most people, spent the last year foregoing social interactions and extracurriculars, and found myself overworking and moving from bed to desk with no in between. While quite aware I was fortunate to have my job and other such blessings (shout out to my Covid squad), I simply was forgetting how to live.
When the vaccine became available, a glimmer of hope came my way. By chance I happened to meet two spitfire, inspiring women who were Directors at a camp in North Carolina. They loved children, teaching, and theater (all my pre-Covid passions). These two women were, funny enough, all about igniting a “tiny spark” in the lives of young girls and women. After speaking with them about my ardent interests, they told me they had the perfect summer job if I wanted it - working with and teaching at the camp. Since I was fully employed, this opportunity seemed unfeasible to consider. Right?
So…what happened next?
During Covid, I reflected A LOT. Who didn’t? We’ve seen the results of this reflection in the mass exodus from companies within the job arena. People began reevaluating their lives and priorities, searching for what really matters when life is put on the line.
For me, giving to others is most meaningful, especially to children - interacting with, promoting smiles and self-empowerment to, and encouraging them. I find no finer joy than pushing children to reach their full potential. During quarantine, I missed that interaction, so on hearing the camp offer, I prepared a proposal.
How did the proposal work?
I asked for eight weeks off unpaid and promised to prepare the eight weeks worth of work I would be missing. To make up for any other gaps, I found contractors who aligned with our purpose and mission. In the proposal, I emphasized how this opportunity would benefit me as an employee knowing that if people are fulfilled outside of work, they come to work inspired and excited. Most importantly, I emphasized how this adventure would benefit the company. The tools I would use in developing the camp lesson plans for the Theater program would be translated and utilized into our company.
My managers saw the benefit and worked with me to make my dream a reality, so (drumroll) I went to camp! Since I have been at Setup for some time, they knew me and recognized how impactful this opportunity would be for me, and thus, for them. This demonstrates the cohesive bond and faith we have developed and grown in our work environment. I truly am thankful for their flexibility and vision.
The result?
I had never been to camp before, and it turned out to be the most magical experience. Waking up under a gorgeous mountain, swimming in the lake, teaching theater/improv, bringing joy to children who had been cooped up for the last year and just needed warmth and love was the day to day. I danced harder, laughed louder, and hugged tighter than ever. My eyes were opened by the compassion, integrity, and insight both the campers and young counselors showed. The brilliance and resilience of the leadership team who kept the camp running despite a pandemic was a marvel in itself.
I still cry when I talk about it because I felt like I was living my purpose every day and witnessing magic constantly.
Eventually camp had to end and I returned home, arguably changed and more inspired than ever.
What did I learn from this whole experience?
Ask!! Asking opens doors.
If you never ask for what you want, the possibility will never be there. Asking puts it out into the universe. Never say no to yourself, let other people do that for you. You never know what the answer could be, and at the least, try everything you can to get your goal! I’m a big fan of this mentality.
Discover your spark!
Everyone has something special to offer this world. Think deeply and often about the gifts you bring to those around you, and try to implement that in your everyday life. Living your purpose will bring you more fulfillment and make you a well-rounded individual.
Find common ground with your coworkers + those around you.
No doubt you will meet and have to work with an array of characters throughout your life. Everybody around you is carrying their own unique experiences and perspectives, and those attitudes may not always mesh well with you...that is okay! While I liked everyone at camp, I knew not everyone was going to connect similarly (something you find in any group). The most important thing is to find a common goal for which to strive, and respect one another for what each brings to the table.
Mistakes should be celebrated!
Camp is a comfortable place for kids to try new things and celebrate failure. Adults can remember and learn from this important lesson. It is okay to take risks, and it is okay to fail. We often live our lives so cautiously, avoiding anything that might bring us stress, loss, or pain. Failing leads to growth which leads to learning more about ourselves which leads to more opportunities.
Write everything down.
This practice can be journaling about events, thoughts, feelings, growth, experiences. These reflections can easily translate and expand on ideas and implementations in your job. When I documented for my managers all I did in my job, it made them more aware and, therefore, more appreciative of my efforts. I’m also grateful for documenting my time at camp to look back and smile.
Work for a company that cares.
This may seem obvious, but whenever I told someone about my opportunity, they were astounded. My team truly cares about my personal and professional development, and who I am as a person. Being valued and appreciated for your work product and for your person is tantamount to a successful working environment. The leaders of the camp cared similarly and showed it by opening the floor for feedback, providing support where needed, and regularly performing shout outs to recognize all the hard work displayed.
Knowing that the people who run and work in your company care further emphasizes the quality of who they are as people and certainly bleeds into how they operate with their clients and employees.
Bring your passions to your day job!
When I told Setup I would use my skills/experience to build a program, I was adamant to do so. I returned and immediately got to work. With over 10 years of improv experience performing and teaching workshops, combined with my time at Setup assessing team dynamics, I created a Team Development program to improve cross-departmental relationships and team collaboration.
So now we have more services for you! After this Covid year, fun, easy going exercises are just what is needed for people to re-engage and re-establish their company cultures, rebuild their communication and pitching skills, restructure their brainstorming sessions, and reintroduce new team members in person versus the virtual ways we have been interacting.
Contact us if you would like to participate in our new Team Development program so that we can gauge your needs and get started - we are here for you!
Enjoy this personal video I made to commemorate my time at such a special place! I cannot emphasize the gratitude I have for everyone who made this life-changing experience possible!
While our previous blogs recapping the Marketing Relationship Survey highlight key communication tactics and needs to sustain and improve the Agency-Client relationships, today we’re simply asking: What kind of work is getting noticed and needed by Clients, and what should Agencies prioritize?