Abandoning the AOR Model: The Solution to Finding the Best Creative

The agency selection process has been the same old story for decades –– clients submit an RFP to choose an agency partner, designate an “AOR” or a “company-approved” agency, sign a contract, pay a monthly retainer, and the partnership would last for years.

Now the age-old, exclusive relationship between marketers and agencies is under fire. Marketers are taking a different approach by enlisting agencies outside of their roster for different projects, as they look for the best creative ideas.

Discipline specialization is the name of the game, and the belief that no single agency can possibly handle all of a client’s needs is becoming more prevalent. Take, for example, Best Buy, a retail giant that is abandoning their long-time AOR Crispin Porter + Bogusky in favor of hiring agencies on a project-by-project basis. This new model is entirely focused on results vs relationship longevity. After all, why wouldn’t you want a specialist developing the best possible work for every campaign?