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Marketing to Different Personality Types Infographic

The individuals you are marketing to all have personalities as varied as their needs, so you need to be able to market to different personality types. To maximize your success, adapt your tactics to these four personality types. The four types are Assertive, Animated, Amiable and Analytical. Assertive personality types are results focused, goal oriented and professional. Those who are animated are sympathetic, relationship and result focused, and have defined expectations. Amiable individuals are relationship focused, social, tend to lose focus and have a low attention span. Analytical personalities are detailed, informed, stick to deadlines, make decisions slowly, and are very serious. 

Make sure to put together a way of explaining your product or service that will resound best with each individual’s personality, and present it in an easily understandable way. This will help you "a"ce those marketing efforts!

Read the full blog - The 4 'A's of Marketing to Different Personality Types