"Sales on the Street" - Joe Koufman on The Sales Evangelist Podcast
This post originally appeared on TheSalesEvangelist.com:
New year, new start, new strategies. It’s time to create that spark between you and your prospects.
Interview Highlights:
Major challenge faced during Joe's career: Making the move from selling a product to selling a service.
When Joe joined his last company, they were about a 60-person digital agency which soon became part of a full-service 250-person marketing agency. He was responsible for bringing in new clients and was key part of the agency’s success that led them to be acquired by a $10-billion holding company.
The Unique Strategies Setup™ has used:
The Perfect Match Campaign
In time for Valentine’s day, Setup shot a video which “spoofs” an eHarmony or Match.com where a person delivers cheesy lines. As the video progresses, visitors who watch it come to realize that it’s actually not a dating service per se... but a service that will help connect them with the perfect marketing agency for their needs.
Next, Setups sent a physical mailer piece to some of their prospects. They purchased 250 matchboxes with "The Perfect Match" written in red with the URL: MakeSomeSparks.com.
Inside each package, they filled the boxes with little heart-shaped candies with a handwritten note that read:
"Open the box,
It's not matches this time.
Go to MakeSomeSparks.com
For a different kind of Valentine."
Perfect Match Speed Dating
Setup then hosted an in-person event in the week before Valentine’s Day. They invited 25 senior marketers and facilitated a “speed dating” breakfast. Each of the agency partners got 7 minutes to talk to each client-side marketer before the bell would ring, signifying it was time to shift to the next table.
Benefit for the prospects: They were exposed to 8 different agencies in a very short period of time.
Benefit for the agencies: They were able to pitch themselves in a very short of time to a bunch of clients.
Result: 19 requests from clients for a “second date” with the agencies.
Major Takeaway:
Step outside of your norm and everyday routine and be creative. Step outside of the box. Joe shared this quote, which is relevant to trying and creating new things and ideas:
“It is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.
The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming.”
Episode Resources:
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