CMO Spotlight | Laurie McGrath - Momentus Technologies

The CMO Spotlight is a chance to get an inside look into the minds and journeys of high-performing marketing leaders. 

Setup CEO, Joe Koufman, virtually sat down with Laurie McGrath, the Chief Marketing Officer at Momentus Technologies to talk about the influential power of design, fashion, and art, her favorite quote from Pema Chödrön, and more.




Q1 | Is there any advice you’d like to share?

McGrath advises marketers and people in the workplace to stay true to who they are to prevent burn out. “You need to be who you are, just as long as you're respectful and produce results. You should be exactly who you are in whatever way that is.”


Q2 | Where do you find inspiration?

McGrath loves and is inspired by art. “I find inspiration through many different mediums of art. I adore architecture. I love watching couture fashion shows of things that I could never afford, but I see it as walking design. I love design. I love smart design.”


Q3 | What values are most important to you?

First and foremost, integrity [is important].

Integrity is the most important value to McGrath, and she values it in work relationships as well as personal relationships. She added, “It's really just about teaching people how to treat you as far as what your expectations are. We've got to be on the relentless pursuit for the truth.”


Q4 | Tell us about an unsuccessful campaign.

While working at Savvis, McGrath and her team were working on a project where they unfortunately misinterpreted their buyer’s persona. The lessons she took away from that experience was to involve everyone in the strategy process, from C-suite executives to stakeholders to decision makers.


Q5 | What brand do you admire?

McGrath loves Prada’s brand ranging from their designs to their luxury storefronts. She added that every Prada piece is “pretty amazing.”


For more marketing leadership advice and a view into the mindset of marketing executives in various industries, be sure to watch the full interview with Laurie McGrath, and keep an eye out for more thought leadership from our CMO Spotlights.

Watch the full interview to the right.