CMO Spotlight | Erin Levzow - Del Taco

Setup CEO, Joe Koufman, virtually sat down with Erin Levzow, the VP of Marketing Technology at Del Taco. In the interview, Levzow shares how her level head allows her to see both sides of conflict, her passion for ballroom dancing translates into her work life, and her goal in marketing is to listen to the consumer.




Q1 | Tell us about your role at Del Taco.

Levzow joined the Del Taco team during the pandemic as the Vice President of Marketing Technology. She currently oversees and leads a team on all things related to marketing technology. She added, “If it touches a computer or a mobile device, we probably have a hand in it, which seems to be just about everything.” She's been with the company for over a year and a half and feels blessed by the opportunity.


Q2 | What is your superpower?

Levzow knows that there are always two sides to every story and it is important to hear everyone out. “I'm really good about trying to understand both sides,” she shared when describing how she deals with conflict.

As a leader, it's crucial to listen to all sides and perspectives, especially when there’s a conflict - a skill that comes naturally to Levzow.


Q3 | Is there any advice you’d like to share?

I believe that we should enjoy the people we’re with and, if we don’t, then it’s time to go find a new place and new people to do it with.

Levzow believes that everyone brings a unique thing to the table. She brings her authentic self to work every day and that has served her well in the growth of her career. “I'm strong, I stand my ground, I'm direct. I still like to have a lot of fun and laugh and joke around, but because I am that person as a young woman at the executive table, I was seen in a very different light.” She added some great life advice, “Someone else's perception of me is not always reality and it doesn't mean that I always have to change who I am.”


Q4 | What’s your biggest challenge?

Finding balance for herself and her team has been a challenge. They want to help everyone and ensure they’re doing everything to the best of their abilities while also preserving their energy and not burning out. “I often go to bed going 'Oh man, I wish I could have done that, or I wish I could have just gotten to that', but then I remind myself that I'm only one person.” She explained that’s a common sentiment from her team members and everyone is trying to find that balance.

Recognizing small wins in the day and celebrating what you have accomplished is important for every person on the team, especially leaders who keep everyone else motivated and afloat.


Q5 | Where do you find inspiration?

Levzow finds inspiration from ballroom dancing. “There's a lot of inspiration in that for me. I love dancing. It's taught me a lot about being a leader and being vulnerable and actually putting my money where my mouth is.” She explained dancing helps her get into the mindset to learn new things and be inspired. She added that she also finds inspiration from American science author Adam Grant. These diverse, artistic outlets help fill her cup so that she can fill others.


Q6 | Tell us about an impactful campaign

We learned it wasn’t about us.

During her time at Wingstop, her team ran a campaign for mango habanero flavored wings. The wings’ performance was average, not notable. But when the limited time offer ended, she stated that “you would have thought we killed people's children.” 

The consumers were so upset that they created a petition. Her Wingstop team ultimately decided to bring the wings back. The new challenge was how they were going to bring the wings back. Their solution was to position the wings comeback because the consumers brought them back. 

“What we learned was that it wasn't about us. It wasn't about making it look like we're the hero. It was about making it about the customer. That's what won the customers over. That's what worked.”


For more marketing leadership advice, and a view into the mindset of marketing executives in various industries, be sure to watch the full interview with Erin Levzow, and keep an eye out for more thought leadership from our CMO Spotlights.

Watch the full interview to the right.