CMO Spotlight | Cliff Chiet - iHeartMedia

The CMO Spotlight is a chance to get an inside look into the minds and journeys of high-performing marketing leaders. 

Setup CEO, Joe Koufman, virtually sat down with Cliff Chiet, the Chief Integrated Marketing Director for iHeartMedia, to discuss the importance of learning how to advocate for yourself, staying engaged with your network, and the inspirational influence of “dreamers”.





Q1 | What advice would you like to share?

The best gift that you can give any individual is your attention.

Chiet emphasizes the importance of listening more and talking less. He shared, “Sometimes people get so focused on what they're going to say, that they're not listening to what the person's saying. It's easier to align yourself with somebody when you make that connection, and you can’t make that connection if you're not absorbing what they're sharing.”

The second piece of advice he shared was, “Don't wait for a job to be created, create the job.”

He encourages marketers to go after what they want and make the first move when looking for a job, talking to recruiters, etc. When it comes to networking and job searching, Chiet suggests that marketers should learn to advocate for themselves and create the perfect elevator pitch. “As people look for jobs, I tell them, ‘Don't wait for them to come to you, you go to them. If you position yourself as an asset, then that's attractive.’”


Q2 | What is your superpower?

From a young age, Chiet became adept at “working a room” by starting conversations and building relationships. He advises Marketers to not only network with others, but to follow up repeatedly with connections to build and solidify the relationship.


Q3 | What values are important to you?

Listening is an important value to Chiet because it’s a sign of respect regardless of the person or circumstance. He explained, “It’s really that idea of valuing another person's time and showing them the due respect they deserve, similar to how you would want to be treated. If you're working with a company, or kids playing soccer on a field, I think the same rules apply. Just have that respect.”


Q4 | Tell us about an impactful campaign.

Chiet worked with a university that was rebranding, and developed the “Rock your Career” campaign with new messaging driven by data and influencers to meet the university’s needs. The campaign targeted potential students who were looking for a change in their career, and it was wildly successful resulting in 150 new students, a huge source of revenue for the university. 

The campaign experience led Chiet to trust his instincts and bring his team and resources together to create something great for their client. “It was more about knowing that we made a difference,” he shared. “We pivoted along the way and we adjusted things. When that happens, and there's that kind of harmony, it's inevitable that it's going to be successful.” 


Q5 | Is there a quote that inspires you?

Dreamers are the ones that help us move forward.

Chiet shared a John F. Kennedy quote, “We need men who can dream of things that never work.” He added, “That's what makes the world go around. You have to have those dreamers. You have to have those people who see things that aren't obvious to everybody else. There always has to be enough of that going on because dreamers are the ones that help us move forward.” 

For more marketing leadership advice and a view into the mindset of marketing executives in various industries, be sure to watch the full interview with Cliff Chiet, and keep an eye out for more thought leadership from our CMO Spotlights.