Ads that Capture the Importance of #InternationalMensDay
November 19th marks International Men’s Day - a day focused on men’s and boys’ health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting male role models.
The following ads capture the gravity young men face in society by challenging relevant stereotypes and encouraging a community of responsible men with humanitarian values.
Gillette - We Believe
In congruence with the #MeToo movement, Gillette released an ad to challenge it’s prior campaigns of “the best a man can get.” This inspiring ad brought to light inappropriate behavior such as bullying, wrestling, or subjugating women to challenge what society deems as “the norm” for boys (as emphasized by the “boys will be boys” sequence).
The ad garnered both praise and criticism for it’s commentary on negative masculine stereotypes, yet, undeniably, the message behind it is a powerful and positive one: “The boys watching today will be the men of tomorrow” and how we treat one another matters.
Gillette stated, “The shift that the brand team made is going from ‘the best a man can get’ to ‘the best a man can be.’” This ad started conversations to encourage men to treat others better because it creates an overall better world for everyone to live in.
AXE - Is It Ok For Guys?
This campaign based on Google searches brought the definition of “manhood” into question. These searches showcase that men have been told their whole lives to behave a certain way…and those definitions may not align with how they feel.
AXE shared with AdWeek that “This internal struggle can contribute to bullying, violence and even suicide. As a champion of self-expression, AXE believes there’s no one way to be a man.”
Bonobos - #EvolveTheDefinition
In the same vein as “Is It Ok For Guys,” Bonobos, the men’s clothing and accessory company, released a marketing campaign to define what it means to be “masculine.” After countless interviews with all types of men, the spot uncovered that there is not just one way to be a man and, when the definition is limited, it ends up hurting more than helping.
Being masculine means “being who I am,” said one of the men interviewed.
The Creative Director from Observatory on the project, Joseph Saroufim, said, “When your reason for being is predicated on inclusiveness, you can’t ignore that many men in our society are made to feel like they don’t fit in. We decided to challenge that definition by interviewing individuals across a wide spectrum, including trans men and women who identify as masculine. Instead of asking men to fit into a preconceived notion of being a man, the goal is to use their voices to create a world where every man – and every person – fits.”
AXE - Find Your Magic
“Who needs some other thing, when you’ve got your thing?” states the narrator of the spot. This ad, catering to all types of men of all ages, encourages men to embrace the thing that makes them unique.
The reason the advertisement highlights toxic behavior, Rik Strubel, Global Vice President at AXE, explained is because they are asking men to be themselves, “but we can’t just tell guys to be themselves without addressing the underlying cultural issues and restrictive definitions of manhood holding them back in the first place. It not only hurts guys, it hurts everyone.”
Everyone has something unique to share and it is important, regardless of what others think, to let it shine.
Uplifting and encouraging men to be themselves is vital. As a society, we need to hold men to a higher standard in addition to empowering them to embrace their differences. Like the Gillette ad was saying, boys are observing how men treat others. Working together to set a good example for the future generation is how we bury old stereotypes and reach a level of respect and acceptance for one another.
Special Mention - The Mask You Live In
The Representation Project asks “how we are failing our boys?” We need to value people for who they are and recognize that people, especially boys, need guidance.
If you enjoyed this blog post, you should check out our favorite ads for #InternationalDayoftheGirl here!
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