Posts in For Agencies
Building an Agency Culture of Business Development

Most people are fearful of new business opportunities because they equate new business with additional work on top of their “day jobs.” Long nights and weekends are regular occurrences for agency teams pursuing a hot new client.

How can business leaders turn the inevitable groans that occur when the business development team shows up with a new opportunity?

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Agencies: It's Time to Make Positioning a Priority

Dear Marketing Agencies: “The cobbler’s kids have no shoes” is no longer a valid excuse for a poor agency positioning strategy. How can potential clients to have faith in an agency’s ability to market their brand if that agency cannot even market itself?

Marketing agencies face countless barriers to growth… and positioning is often one of the most important and most overlooked of these barriers. According to Forrester, 62% of B2B buyers say they can finalize a vendor list based solely on digital content.

An agency who does not prioritize positioning risks will not even make it to the decision process.

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