Marketers Toolbox - Smallpdf

What is Smallpdf?

Smallpdf is a conversion tool for PDFs and other digital documents.

Why is this tool helpful?

The tool offers a portfolio of 17 PDF tools in multiple languages. It provides quality conversions that will assist companies in being more productive and cost-efficient in document management.

How is it used?

The features for Smallpdf include but are not limited to compression and conversion as well as features that rotate, split, merge, unlock, and protect the files.

The following includes all of the conversion tools Smallpdf offers.

The following includes all of the conversion tools Smallpdf offers.

Who would benefit from using Smallpdf?

Smallpdf benefits anyone who is looking to convert files or documents in a more productive manner.


The use of the tool is free for two people every hour. Members receive more features if they choose to upgrade their subscription to Pro.