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Marketing to Generation Z Infographic

Born mid 1990's to current 2000's, Generation Z are digital natives who have never lived a life without internet. By 2020, they'll have 40% of the purchasing power. Here are a few key points to know about them:

    • Gen Zers take 8 seconds to decide whether content is worth their time and if it benefits them.

    • 60% want to positively impact the future of the world and participate in social activism.

    • Appreciates free shipping and delivery, special discounts, and a flexible return policy.

    • They trust influencers because their lives are relatable. 63% of Gen Z prefer to see real people in ads.

    • They are likely to give feedback or reviews online. 44% showed interest in contributing ideas to brands. 

    • Uses up to five devices at a time and checks social media about 100 times a day.

    • If experience is positive, 89% will promote the brand. Gen Z prioritizes speed and convenience.

Read the blog that inspired this post - Marketing Mysteries Uncovered for Generation Z