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New Setup® Email Preference Center

Setup has launched an email preference center so we can start sending valuable insights to your inbox. We have some very exciting content to share with you, and we're offering three different communication options:

Marketers Toolbox

Have you been enjoying our Marketers Toolbox series? Do you want to have these sent to you automatically? As a marketer's secret weapon, Setup provides a weekly email subscription (every Friday) that'll feature a new tool we’re using and recommending to marketers to enhance their productivity.


We're a big fan of infographics because they have the ability to aggregate good data into "snackable" visual formats that are easy to digest. We've taken info from our blog posts, and created infographics that convey the essence of each topic. This email subscription will send you a fun, new infographic on the first and third Mondays of each month, and will link to the corresponding blog post on our website should you decide to read more.


In lieu of subscribing to our Feedly for real-time blog posts, you may opt in to receive one email on the first Wednesday of each month that will include links to blog posts that we published during the previous month.

Subscribe to one, or all three! At minimum, you could receive one email in the beginning of each month, and at maximum, you’d receive seven emails from us per month, total. Our goal is provide you with great, relevant content and that you will find value in the information we deliver.