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Marketers Toolbox - Grid Image Tool

What is Grid Image Tool?

The Facebook Grid Image Checker Tool measures the percentage of text an image contains. It was created by the interactive marketing and software agency Social Contests that helps brands "build fully optimized social promotions and giveaway campaigns."

Why is this tool helpful?

Facebook ads are strict with their advertising. In order to be objective, they have a standard grid that only allows images to have 20% text that is not "product shot" - meaning, a part of the product/actual photo. This tool will help the user test if the image has too much text before they finish designing and submitting it to Facebook’s Ad Manager.

How is it used?

The user uploads an image and then selects the boxes where the image contains text. Then the tool evaluates what percentage of text the image contains.

Who would benefit from using this tool?

Marketers or anyone looking to advertise on Facebook. It is good to be aware of the 20% rule before and during the designing of an ad.


The tool is free, but it does cost money to advertise on Facebook.