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CMO Spotlight | Pam Piligian - Navy Federal Credit Union

The CMO Spotlight is a chance to get an inside look into the minds and journeys of high-performing marketing leaders. 

Setup President, Amanda Thompson, virtually sat down with Pam Piligian, the CMO and SVP of Navy Federal Credit Union, to discuss her admiration for Chick-fil-A, her experience at Ocean Spray, and her ability to charm consumers. 


Q1 | What advice would you share with marketers?

Piligian shared that curiosity alone can take you very far in the marketing industry. 

“Be curious. I think people in marketing who really thrive in this business are lifelong learners. They ask good questions. They're always intrigued by the brand, brand challenges, as well as [the consumers they] are talking to. What motivates them? What scares them? It takes a lot of curiosity to really do your best job in terms of marketing.”

Along with curiosity, Piligian shared that marketers should “be uncomfortable with what they don't know.” She shared that curiosity is the first step, but marketers should also have the desire to investigate uncertainty and discover solutions.

Q2 | What is your superpower?

Piligian shared that she is great at creating interest (or “woo”) and making a brand enticing for a customer. She is an expert at brand positioning and creating excitement for customers around a brand.

Q3 | What values are important to you?

Piligian takes a values-driven approach when it comes to attracting customers and talent for Navy Federal Credit Union. Piligian values empathy, authenticity, and a growth mindset. She shared that she also “favors action over perfection,” and is willing to take risks and fail for the opportunity to learn.

Q4 | Tell us about an impactful campaign.

Piligian worked on Craisins for Ocean Spray, and her team put a lot of work into perfecting the product. They did extensive market research, including focus groups, to perfect the product development and create an effective campaign. From the focus groups, Ocean Spray was able to position themselves as the perfect healthy snack for children. Reviewing the results after the launch was exciting because a hefty amount of time went into the product development stage. Seeing the direct impact of the campaign in Nielsen Reports was the genesis of Piligian’s love for marketing. 

Q5 | What is a brand that you admire?

Piligian admires Chick-fil-A’s brand. She loves that they know their place in the market and themselves well while maintaining their strong value system. Their menu also offers a variety of selections. They have really built trust with their customers and it shows in the loyalty and the success of Chick-fil-A’s business. 

For more marketing leadership advice and a view into the mindset of marketing executives in various industries, be sure to watch the full interview with Pam Piligian, and keep an eye out for more thought leadership from our CMO Spotlights.


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